It's wonderful to be a mommy
Yes, having a toddler can be exhausting at times, but then your little boy can do the sweetest things to make it all worth it. Evan got to bed quite late last night, which was my own fault, but then today he was quite needy. I got home from work and he wouldn't let me out of his sight. He was very clingy and wanted constant attention. Well, I was sitting at the top of the stairs and he was in the hall. He started coming up to me and giving me hugs. Then he'd walk back, stand there, and then come give me a hug again. This went on for about 10 minutes at least. I then told him I love him and he said "much". Saying much started several weeks ago when I told him I love him very much, he couldn't say the whole thing, so he'd just repeat much. He then said a few nights after that "la la", which means love you. I was saying "I love you" several times and he was going back and forth between "la la" and "much". The whole time he gave me the biggest hugs. It just made my day! It is so wonderful that he is getting to the age when he can really start to show emotion and understand it. It just melts my heart when he loves me so much that all he can do is give me hugs and bury himself in me.