Cheline's Chapter

The life and stories of Evan Perry and Timothy Mark Cheline as told by their parents with the greatest love they could give.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Standing Boy

So I put Evan in his crib this afternoon so I could fold his clothes. I was getting ready to pull the railing up, but he grabbed a hold of it and pulled himself up to stand. I then pulled up the railing and he kept holding on. He stood there for a long time, just looking around and investigating the new view.

He is so inquisitive.

He finally fits into his surfer shirts. They are 6 month size, but he's a little guy. At least he's ready for fun in the sun before the summer is over. He's my little surfer dude.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Evan went to his first sporting event yesterday. "The Team" went to a Rockies game and we won! Unfortunately Chris and I didn't get to see the whole game. Once people started cheering Evan got scared and starting crying really hard. So then one of us was always down on the concourse with him so he wouldn't get scared anymore. It was still fun though. Plus, he got to wear his Rockies outfit. He looked like one of the players.:)

Just the girls.

Meg and Evan.

Joe and Evan before the game.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

What a month!

Well, we have had a very very busy month. Enjoy all the pictures below.:)

Grandma and Mommy took Evan to the zoo and Tropical Discovery to see the snakes and fish. Daddy doesn't like snakes, so we didn't take him.

He really liked the blue tetra fish...

...and the lizards.

We got Evan a new basket for his toys and he really likes it.
He can just barely peer over the top to see what's in there.

Fun after bath time

One of his new favorite things is to hang upside down.

This was his first ride on a swing at the park. He had fun.

Just hangin' with Daddy.

Chris's sister Kassie and her husband Leif were in town for a week, and they finally got to meet Evan.

They all seem to like each other I think. He loves his Aunt Kassie and Uncle Leif.

A big day!

July 22 was a very big day for us. It was Chris and my 7th anniversary, Evan turned 7 months old and we had him dedicated to the Lord. He did so well and didn't cry at all and we got a special certificate to commemorate the occasion.

We got a high chair for Evan and he really enjoys it. We have tried teaching how to use a sippy cup, but he hasn't quite got the hang of it yet. And he loves his carrots and really any food as you can see.

We went to visit our friends Tim and Jennifer and their little boy Morgan. It was great fun, and Evan loved making a new friend.

Morgan has the most beautiful blue eyes.

They are two very proud and wonderful parents!