Today was a very, very big day. Today was Evan's first taste of "solids", baby rice cereal!!
Monday, May 28, 2007
We had a big weekend. Evan got to visit two sets of grandparents, and had fun with all.
Chris was trying to take some up close pictures of Evan. As you can see, he got quite close. Evan was fascinated in the camera lens cover.
Evan made a new friend in Tak.
Evan fell asleep after I fed him one evening, and this was the result. I tried to move him, but he just slept on the boppy.
Shannon and Kelly came to visit Evan when they were in town. I think they like him.
He likes his excersaucer. His feet don't fully touch, but he loves playing in it.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Alright, I was hanging out with some old friends tonight and they were giving me a hard time about updating the blog. So here you go girls. Pictures from the last few months. I hope you enjoy them and I'll try to keep updating this more often, so everyone can see new pictures of the cutest baby in the world.
This was Evan's first trip to the zoo. We stopped to feed him near one of the monkey exhibits and I think he may have been watching the monkey swing.
The below pictures show the big variety in weather we were having back in April. One day it was very cold and snowy, but then a few days earlier it was warm enough for short sleeves.